Freedom Student Council Food Drive
\r\nNov. 12 – Nov. 22
\r\nBring\r\nin any non-perishable food items to help your class win a fun\r\ntreat
\r\nfrom\r\nStudent Council!
\r\nPrizes\r\ninclude: a healthy fit class treat,
\r\nclass\r\ndance party, class art project materials
\r\nWinners\r\nwill be:
\r\nPre-K\r\n–Kind Class with most items
\r\n1st\r\nand 2nd Grade Class with most items
\r\n3rd-5th\r\nGrade Class with most items
\r\nFreedom\r\nClass with most CREATIVE
\r\n\r\nDisplay of items
\r\nAll\r\nfood items will be donated to the ASYMCA Food Pantry to help Military Families.