Freedom Student Council\r\n
\r\nPicture with Santa\r\n
\r\nWednesday, December 11\r\n
\r\nThe Freedom Student Council will sponsor a Picture with Santa on Wednesday, December 11 starting at 10:00 am. Photos will be $5 for a 5x7. Students that are getting photos may wear Christmas clothes that day. We will only do individual photos this year. There will not be a make–up day for pictures. Photos will be sent home no later than Wednesday, December 18.
\r\nAll proceeds from the photos will go to Student Council projects that benefit Freedom Elementary or the Ft. Sill Community.\r\n
\r\nPlease send $5 cash or check with your child on or before DEC. 11th. We will not be able to make change. Only one photo per child please, so that we will be able to get to all classes.\r\n
\r\nThank you for supporting our \r\n
\r\nFreedom Student Council!\r\n