Military Child Parade

Month of the Military Child Parade



Fort Sill Community and Parents:


You are invited!


WHAT: A parade to honor the military children at Freedom Elementary School


WHEN: April 29th, 2022
1330-1430 (1:30pm-2:30PM)


WHERE: Staging line begins at Polo Field on Fort Sill. Lead car escorts the line to
Freedom Elementary
5720 Geronimo Rd, Fort Sill
See map route below 


HOW: decorate your vehicle, dress in purple, honk your horns, wave and cheer as the students line the sidewalks out front of the school!
All vehicles participating in the parade will line up behind the police escort on Gruber Rd. (the road next to the polo field). You must enter Gruber Rd. through Sheridan Rd, otherwise you will be going against traffic. There will be no school parking lot entrance on Geronimo Rd. At 1:30pm, the police escort will lead the parade line to the Freedom Elementary parking lot and follow the parade route.
Please no passing out or throwing anything out of your vehicle. 




The parade route can be found below. 


