\r\nDear Freedom Families,
\r\nPlease read this in full if you plan on coming to the Freedom PTA Color Run this Friday, May 6th. It may seem like a lot of rules, but with a school this big - this is to keep the event organized and most of all, for the safety of everyone.
The run will take place in the lower parking lot, right in front of the school. There will be NO PARKING allowed in the lower parking lot. The parking lot will be blocked off at 8:45am. If you are parked in the lower parking lot for any reason that morning, please ensure you move your car by 8:45am.
You may park in the upper parking lot, or the empty parking lot up the hill, on Honeycutt Rd.
- All Freedom students will be running at no cost. If you do not want your child to run, please notify your student's teacher ASAP (preferably before Friday).
- We highly suggest sending your child to school that day with a bottled water with their name on it.
- Students should wear a white shirt and appropriate running shoes. Sunglasses, a nose and mouth covering and sunscreen are recommended.
- Students will run with their class/teacher during their grade's turn to run.
- Once individual grade levels have finished their laps, their class will meet at the "Cool Down" zone which is a covered area with fans. This area is ONLY for students and teachers to cool down and regroup.
- Students will get sprayed down by the Fort Sill Fire Department after the Color Run.
IMPORTANT: This portion of the event is ONLY for Freedom Students. We cannot allow parents or siblings to partake in the spray down for liability reasons.\r\n\r\n
- Students may wear their swimsuit under their running clothes. We recommend sending them to school with a towel so they can dry off. The students will dry off outside on the sidewalk before entering the school. They will not be entering the hallways dripping wet. They will not be changing clothes.
- If you do not want your child to get wet/participate in the spray off, please notify your student's teacher ASAP (preferably before Friday).
Registered Runners:
-Registration for the Color Run has closed.
- Please be sure to pick-up your wristband on May 6th between 10:30am-11:30am from the PTA table that will be set-up in front of the school.
- To avoid confusion, please only pick up wristbands on your order. Do not allow a friend to pick up your wristband(s) for you.
- The Color Run will start at 12pm with Pre-K and go up in grade from there.
- Unfortunately, we don't know the exact time a specific grade will start running because it will depend on how long it takes the grade(s) before to run. In the past, the Color Run has lasted around 2-2.5 hours. Feel free to bring a blanket or folding chair to use while you wait in the bystander area.
- Please stay within the designated bystander area when you and your student aren't running. The bystander area will be the taped off area in the center of the track.
- Please do not leave the bystander area to stand with your student's class under the awning.
- Our MC will call up the grades to enter the track and then call for registered runners to enter and stand with your student.
- If you have younger children with you, PLEASE ensure they stay within the taped off area. Especially when people are actively running to ensure they do not get lost or trampled.
- Once your student has completed their laps, they will meet with their class in the cool-down zone and registered runners may return to the bystander area. Please do not follow your student to the cool-down zone. This area is only for students and teachers.
- All parents/non-staff/non-students must stay within the taped-off bystander area.
- You may bring chairs or blankets with you to watch.
- If you have younger children with you, PLEASE ensure they stay within the taped off area. Especially when people are actively running to ensure they do not get lost or trampled.
- Parents will not be permitted to hang out on the sidewalk where the classes are waiting to run. Doing so makes the sidewalk too congested and poses a safety hazard. You must stay within the bystander zone.
- Our Freedom Secretaries will have a tent set-up on a hill next to the running track.
- If you would like to sign your student out after the event, please notify your child's teacher before Friday so they can arrange to have their belongings ready to go after the run.
- Please go to the check-out tent to sign your student out first. The secretaries will then radio to have your child pulled from the cool-down zone or the sidewalk and will be brought to you by a staff member.
- We ask that you please do not take your student without first going to the check-out tent. This is so that your student can be accounted for by their teacher after they've completed their laps.
- Students who are checked out early cannot stay for the spray off.
For more information about the event including the track and number of laps, please visit the event page at: